
Josh Howell
After spending two years in South Africa working with YWAM, Josh and his family returned to the States where Josh acquired his Bachelor degree from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and began work as a Health Care Administrator. He holds a Skilled Nursing Facility Administrators license in Alaska. Serving for two years with Central Control Inc., Josh made the move to the assisted living field working in South Carolina before accepting the Administrator position at Meadow Greens in 2007. Josh credits Meadow Greens success to the stable and wonderful staff who unselfishly give of themselves to the residents who call Meadow Greens home.

Food Service Director
John Mead
John Mead has worked in the food service industry for over 30 years. John has been the Food Service Director at Meadow Greens since August 1st of 1995. He holds a Servsafe Certification and completed his dietary manager’s training from Bellingham Technical College. John states he enjoys working with the residents of Meadow Greens to meet their individual nutritional needs.

Director of Nursing
Gwen Langstraat RN
Gwen has worked in the health care industry for over 20 years. Upon moving back home to Lynden in 2003 she acquired her Licensed Practical Nursing degree from BTC. Gwen went on to complete her associate degree and acquire her RN license in 2020. Gwen’s experience working in family practice has helped her in planning and implementing care with compassion to the assisted living residents at Meadow Greens. Gwen states, “The main reason I picked a career in nursing was my passion and desire to work with the senior population.” Gwen further states, “She is grateful to have the opportunity to work along side a fantastic staff of caregivers in providing exceptional care to the residents of Meadow Greens!”

Josh Howell
After spending two years in South Africa working with YWAM, Josh and his family returned to the States where Josh acquired his Bachelor degree from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and began work as a Health Care Administrator. He holds a Skilled Nursing Facility Administrators license in Alaska. Serving for two years with Central Control Inc., Josh made the move to the assisted living field working in South Carolina before transitioning to Meadow Greens in Lynden, Washington. Josh credits Meadow Greens success to the stable and wonderful staff who unselfishly give of themselves to the residents who call Meadow Greens home.

Food Service Director
John Mead
John Mead has worked in the food service industry for over 30 years. John has been the Food Service Director at Meadow Greens since August 1st of 1995. He holds a Servsafe Certification and completed his dietary manager’s training from Bellingham Technical College. John states he enjoys working with the residents of Meadow Greens to meet their individual nutritional needs.

Director of Nursing
Gwen Langstraat
Gwen has worked in the health care industry for over 20 years. Upon moving back home to Lynden in 2003 she acquired her Licensed Practical Nursing degree from BTC. Gwen’s experience working in family practice has helped her in planning and implementing care with compassion to the assisted living residents at Meadow Greens. Gwen states, “The main reason I became an LPN was my passion and desire to work with the senior population.” Gwen further states, “She is grateful to have the opportunity to work along side a fantastic staff of caregivers in providing exceptional care to the residents of Meadow Greens!”